

Why is Bone Health important to you?

Our bones support us and allow us to move. They protect our brain, heart, and other organs from injury. Our bones also store minerals such as calcium and phosphorous, which help keep our bones strong, and release them into the body when we need them for other uses.

There are many things we can do to keep our bones healthy and strong. Eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, getting plenty of exercise, and having good health habits help keep our bones healthy.

But if we don’t eat right and don’t get enough of the right kinds of exercise, our bones can become weak and even break. Broken bones (called fractures) can be painful and sometimes need surgery to heal. They can also cause long-lasting health problems.

Helping you take control

Your Wellness Plan recommendations are designed to help improve absorption of key nutrients to build and maintain strong bones.

When it comes to your Bone Health, vivaLAB tests may help identify:

  • deficiencies of essential nutrients 
  • factors associated with bone mineral density
  • inflammation mediators
  • elevated levels of oxidative stress

You can take control of your health and live better through science with one simple and personalised test!

Products that may help



The gut microbiome has a role in regulating bone mass and the reabsorption of aged bone by the body. 

Probiotics also aid in the efficient absorption of essential nutrients such as Calcium and Vitamin D by the body for bone health.


Essential Nutrients


Calcium is essential for building and maintaining healthy bones throughout life. Calcium combines with other minerals to form hard crystals giving bones strength and structure. Almost 99% of the body’s calcium is found in the bones. A small amount of calcium is also absorbed into the blood and used for the healthy functioning of the heart, muscles, blood and nerves.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium from the intestine to support healthy bones. Vitamin D also plays a role in supporting growth and maintenance of the skeleton and regulating calcium levels in the blood.

Vitamin K

An essential vitamin for bone health, helping build bone-related proteins and regulating markers for bone reabsorption in the body.




Curcumin has been associated with a decrease in osteoporosis progression and regulation of bone turnover markers in the human body.

Common Bone Health Conditions


Bone is living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced. Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of new bone doesn't keep up with the loss of old bone.  Osteoporosis weakens bones to the point that they can break easily. It is called a "silent disease" because people who develop it may not notice any changes until a bone breaks, such as a hip or wrist. Osteoporosis affects about one in five women over age 50, but only one in 20 men.


A degenerative joint disease that results from breakdown of joint cartilage and underlying bone. It is believed to be the fourth leading cause of disability in the world. Common symptoms are joint pain and stiffness which slowly progress over years. Other symptoms may include joint swelling, decreased range of motion, or more commonly inflammation near the ends of the fingers and the joint at the base of the thumbs, the knee and hip joints, and the joints of the neck and lower back. When the back is affected a weakness or numbness of the arms and legs may be felt.